On April 3, 2024, the US Department of Labor (“DOL”) published the final amendment (“Amendment”) to Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 84-14, otherwise known as the “QPAM Exemption” (“Exemption”).1 The Exemption is commonly relied on by “qualified professional asset managers” (“QPAMs” or “managers”) who meet certain requirements and manage US employee benefit and retirement account assets to avoid violations of the prohibited transaction rules under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”) and the parallel provisions under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.Continue Reading US Department of Labor Publishes Final Amendment to QPAM Exemption
DOL Releases New Proposed Regulation Regarding Investment Advice Fiduciaries

On October 31, 2023, the US Department of Labor (“DOL”) unveiled a new proposed regulation titled “Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment Advice Fiduciary” (the “2023 Proposed Rule”) and proposed amendments to several prohibited transaction exemptions (“2023 Proposed PTE Amendments”). With these proposals, the DOL aims to expand the criteria for determining who would be an “Investment Advice Fiduciary” for purposes of Section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”) and force many such “Investment Advice Fiduciaries” to comply with Prohibited Transaction Exemption (“PTE”) 2020-02 for fee and affiliated investment conflicts.
The 2023 Proposed Rule, if finalized, would modify the “Five-Part Test” for determining fiduciary status that has been in effect since 1975. In the preamble to the 2023 Proposed Rule, the DOL stated that the Five-Part Test was no longer suited to address the modern landscape of professional investment advice. In particular, the DOL was concerned that the “regular basis” and “mutual understanding” prongs of the Five-Part Test exclude many circumstances in which a fiduciary of an ERISA plan, plan participant or beneficiary, or IRA owner (each, a “Retirement Investor”) may reasonably assume that they were receiving investment advice based on the Retirement Investor’s best interest.
The 2023 Proposed Rule marks the third attempt since 2010 by the DOL to replace the Five-Part Test. The most recent attempt was an updated regulatory definition of Investment Advice Fiduciary issued on April 8, 2016 (the “2016 Fiduciary Rule”), which was vacated in its entirety by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in 2018. The court’s opinion stated that the 2016 Fiduciary Rule had strayed too far from the common-law definition of the term fiduciary, which turns on the existence of a relationship of “trust and confidence” with the client and does not extend to those who merely sell products to their clients.Continue Reading DOL Releases New Proposed Regulation Regarding Investment Advice Fiduciaries
The End of the National Emergency Spells Big Changes for Employers

Since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country has been under both national emergency and public health emergency orders (the “Emergency Orders”). Pursuant to these orders, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury (the “Departments”) issued guidance in May 2020 that postponed various deadlines that apply to benefit plans and made other COVID-related changes to health plans while the Emergency Orders are in force (the “Emergency Period”). After three years, the end has finally come: on January 30, 2023, President Biden announced his intent to end the COVID-19 national emergency and public health emergency effective May 11, 2023, and on Monday, April 10, President Biden signed a congressional resolution immediately ending the national emergency. The ending of the national emergency marks the beginning of the end to several temporary changes to employee benefit plans.Continue Reading The End of the National Emergency Spells Big Changes for Employers
SECURE 2.0 – Changes for Retirement Plans

With just days to go before the new year, President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, into law on December 29, 2022, which includes the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (“SECURE 2.0”). SECURE 2.0 expands on and, in some cases, modifies changes to the laws governing retirement plans brought about by the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Act of 2019 (the “2019 SECURE Act”). Key provisions of SECURE 2.0 that amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) and Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) include a mandatory automatic enrollment and escalation feature for new Section 401(k) and 403(b) plans starting in 2025, updated required beginning dates for taking required minimum distributions, an expansion of the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (“EPCRS”), and more “Rothification” of savings opportunities for retirement plan participants. Plan amendments under SECURE 2.0 are generally required by the last day of the first plan year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 for single-employer plans. SECURE 2.0 also directs the Department of Labor (“DOL”) and IRS to issue various new regulations in accordance with its provisions. This blog post summarizes some of the key features of SECURE 2.0. Continue Reading SECURE 2.0 – Changes for Retirement Plans
A Sigh of Relief: FAQs Confirm Relief for “Good Faith” Effort to Comply with New Prescription Drug Reporting Mandate

As summarized in our prior post, on November 23, 2021, the Personnel Management Office, the Internal Revenue Service, the Employee Benefits Security Administration, and the Health and Human Services Department issued interim final rules setting forth directives for implementing a new prescription drug reporting mandate under the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 116-260). On June 29, 2022, updated submission instructions describing the reporting process were released. The first deadline to comply with the new rules was December 27, 2022. Under that guidance, it was still unclear whether the relevant departments intended to provide general relief for plans and issuers that made good-faith efforts to comply with the new law.
On December 23, 2022, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury issued FAQs addressing this question directly.Continue Reading A Sigh of Relief: FAQs Confirm Relief for “Good Faith” Effort to Comply with New Prescription Drug Reporting Mandate
The Time has Come for New Prescription Drug Reporting Mandate

In response to the ever-increasing cost of prescription drugs, the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 116-260) introduced a new prescription drug reporting mandate intended to make prescription drug pricing more transparent and to assist the Departments of Labor, Treasury, and Health and Human Services with preparing a biannual, publicly available report on prescription drug pricing. The first of these extensive reports is due on December 27, 2022.Continue Reading The Time has Come for New Prescription Drug Reporting Mandate
DOL Finalizes Rule Regarding ESG Investing and Proxy Voting by Plan Fiduciaries

On November 22, 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor (the “DOL”) published a regulation entitled “Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights” (the “Final Rule”). The Final Rule follows proposed rules regarding ESG investing and proxy voting by plan fiduciaries, issued on October 14, 2021 (the “Proposed Rule”) and amends prior regulations on the same topic issued by the DOL under President Trump in 2020 (the “2020 Rule”).
In the Final Rule, the DOL repeatedly emphasized that the regulation was primarily aimed at removing and remedying the chilling effect on ESG investing by plan fiduciaries created by the 2020 Rule. While the Final Rule takes a more permissive stance on the consideration of climate change and other ESG factors in investment decisions by plan fiduciaries than the 2020 Rule, the DOL cautioned that a plan fiduciary should not subordinate the interests of plan participants and beneficiaries to any collateral benefits (i.e., ESG objectives).
The Final Rule largely tracks the Proposed Rule, with a few notable exceptions summarized below.Continue Reading DOL Finalizes Rule Regarding ESG Investing and Proxy Voting by Plan Fiduciaries
U.S. Department of Labor Weighs in on Cybersecurity for ERISA Plans
On April 14th, 2021, the Department of Labor (“DOL“) issued cybersecurity guidance to plan sponsor and fiduciaries, recordkeepers and other service providers and participants and beneficiaries of plans regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”). The guidance is presented in three separate parts: Tips for Hiring a Service Provider with Strong Cybersecurity Practices, Cybersecurity Program Best Practices and Online Security Tips for Participants and Beneficiaries.
Over the past ten years, cybersecurity has become an area of critical importance to plan sponsors, plan administrators and plan participants. With plans holding trillions in assets as well as sensitive participant information, retirement accounts have been attractive targets for cyber-enabled fraud. Plan participants are known to check their retirement account balances less frequently than personal banking, credit card or other financial accounts. As a result, there can be a delay before attacks on retirement accounts are discovered, making tracing and recovery efforts exceptionally difficult. Plans also permit electronic access to funds and rely upon outside service providers, which provide additional access points for breach. There is a growing body of litigation involving participants who have suffered retirement plan losses due to cyberattacks. Bartnett v. Abbott Laboratories, No. 20-cv-02127 (ND Ill., 2020) (motion to dismiss participant suit against plan sponsor and administrator granted, but denied with respect to third party record-keeper); Leventhal v. The MandMarblestone Group LLC, No. 18-cv-2727 (ED PA, 2019) (motion to dismiss suit by plan sponsor and participant against third party administrator denied); and Berman v. Estee Lauder, No. 4:19-cv-06489 (ND CA, 2019) (participant suit against plan sponsor, committee and third party record-keeper settled).Continue Reading U.S. Department of Labor Weighs in on Cybersecurity for ERISA Plans
Key Takeaways From The DOL’s “Best Practices” Missing Participant Guidance

All too often, retirement plan administrators and benefits attorneys encounter situations with missing participants or uncashed checks that result in head scratching and exasperation. It is difficult to believe that trying to deliver money to someone could produce such frustration, but it happens more than one would think. In an attempt to alleviate some of these woes and help ensure that participants and their beneficiaries receive the retirement benefits due to them, the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) came out with three related pieces of guidance on January 12, 2021: (1) a set of Best Practices for Pension Plans (the “Best Practices”), describing steps that plan fiduciaries can take to reduce missing participant issues; (2) Compliance Assistance Release No. 2021-01, outlining the investigative approach that guides the DOL’s regional offices under its Terminated Vested Participants Project; and (3) Field Assistance Bulletin 2021-01, authorizing fiduciaries of terminating defined contribution plans to transfer missing participants’ account balances to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC) Missing Participants Program as a matter of temporary enforcement policy. This blog post highlights key points from the Best Practices and focuses on practical tips plan fiduciaries can take away from the DOL guidance.
Continue Reading Key Takeaways From The DOL’s “Best Practices” Missing Participant Guidance
DOL Announces Non-Enforcement Policy of Recent ESG and Proxy Voting Rules

On March 10, 2021 the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) released a policy statement that it will not enforce or otherwise pursue enforcement actions against a fiduciary for failing to comply with the “Financial Factors in Selecting Plan Investments” regulation published on November 13, 2020 (the “ESG Rule”) and the “Fiduciary Duties Regarding Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights” regulation, published on December 16, 2020 (the “Proxy Voting Rule”). Both regulations were promulgated by the DOL shortly before the Biden administration took office. In the recent policy statement, the DOL stated that certain stakeholders, including asset managers, plan sponsors and consumer groups have expressed concern over whether these rules accurately reflect a fiduciary’s duties under ERISA and appropriately consider the utility of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors in making investment decisions. As a result, the DOL intends to “revisit” each of these rules.
Continue Reading DOL Announces Non-Enforcement Policy of Recent ESG and Proxy Voting Rules